Resistencia Transnacional

Resistencia Transnacional

By Eliana Buenrostro


We won’t obey
a life governed by chained fences.
The holes and the jagged edges that
are the stuff of nightmares
Migration is not beautiful
It is violent
It is bloody
It is birth control pills before the bus rides north
(Birth control for no honey. Burning only)
And savings spent on coyotes
After comes the welcome.
The transnational struggle to assimilate
While sending struggling to send remezas
And trying not to trip on the English language
That does not care for our existence
Or a life of resistance
Brought on by neoliberalism
Capitalist trappings
And a widespread conservative shift that puts
The brown and Black babies of the diaspora
In danger
Univision tells us there is no where to hide
And anxiety attacks become commonplace post November
Families gather at the post office en masse
To get passports for their children
Por si acaso…
Families never go too far south
Not too close to the border
Por si acaso…
The fears that have always existed have been amplified
And at the end of the day,
La gente sigue viviendo

About Eliana Buenrostro

Eliana Buenrostro is a Chicana, spiritual activist and lover of all things “darks”. She is interested in uncovering, understanding and healing legacies of generational violence through the written word and community work. Her work was recently published in the anthology Solace: Writing, Refuge & LGBTQ Women of Color. Twitter is @musicdissonance.